What We Do

Hopes Fulfilled Membership Tiers & Activities

What We Do

Hopes Fulfilled takes a multi-tiered approach to its goal of improving the outcomes of underserved communities. Recognizing that a community’s basic needs must be met in order for its members to achieve a sense of self-worth and belonging, Hopes Fulfilled addresses the unique challenges presented at each stage of a community’s journey to fulfillment.


— We Find & Fund

At Tier I, Hopes Fulfilled will provide, or facilitate access to, stable and affordable housing solutions for displaced members within underserved communities. Hopes Fulfilled will also help prevent precipitous, gentrification-based rent increases and advocate for members of targeted communities by leveraging its access to legislative support for affordable housing at city, county and state levels.


— We Build Networks

Hopes Fulfilled also recognizes that access to healthy, locally-produced foods is a key component to eliminating food insecurity and promoting self-sufficiency in our communities. For more affluent communities, this is typically not a concern—specialty supermarkets, grocers specializing in organic foods, locally-owned butchers, local farms, and farmers markets provide a variety of nutritional options for the community to enjoy.


— We Strengthen

Yet many underserved communities—often located in densely populated, non-rural environments—lack the same access to healthy, local foods. Furthermore, recent changes in federal programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, and recent rollbacks in some nutritional standards for school lunches, will only contribute to a generations-old cycle of food insecurity, poor nutritional habits, and chronic disease.


— We Provide Care

Through its acquisition of land grants in the Evanston community of Cincinnati, Hopes Fulfilled will instruct members of the community in the theory and practice of sustainable farming and agri-business solutions.


— We Educate

Tier II includes educational and employment support. Once a community’s most basic housing and nutritional needs are met, Hopes Fulfilled will partner with local schools to provide educational support in the areas of financial literacy, business planning, sustainable agriculture, agri-business and other disciplines to prepare students to develop and maintain thriving, self-sufficient neighborhoods. Additionally, the lack of access to robust technology resources—computers, servers, networks, wireless connectivity, etc. perpetuates a “digital divide” between members within these communities and those in more affluent communities, resulting in greater levels of isolation and difficulty accessing and sharing best practices across platforms and between diverse communities.


— We Empower

Hopes Fulfilled will also implement strategies to address unemployment and underemployment by hiring directly from the communities in which it invests.

Finally, Hopes Fulfilled will prepare members of the community to reinvest their efforts back into their own neighborhoods. Using an “each one teach one” approach, community members will operationalize the skills and practices obtained through Tiers I and II in order to ensure that future generations have access to affordable housing, healthy foods, education, training and gainful employment.

Our Activities

Support the Covid-19 Coronavirus response

Your support and contributions will enable us to assist vulnerable members of the community affected by the coronavirus outbreak

Coronavirus support
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